Here's How TutorsWhiz Works For Tutors/Center


How much do you charge for sessions?

Session rates vary depending on your location and the length of the session. Additionally, session prices can change depending on whether you take them in your home, at your tutor's location or online.

How does billing work?

Sessions are paid in advance, which guarantees your time slot with the tutor you select. As an added security, we also offer a money back guarantee if you're not completely satisfied after your first session.

What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express. You also have the option to pay with a debit card. We do not accept payment via cash, check or money order.

Can I pay when I get to the session?

In order to reserve your time slot, we require payment at the time of booking, which must be at least 7 days before your first session takes place.

What if I have a scheduling conflict with one of my sessions?

Most instructors are flexible when it comes to rescheduling sessions. If you need to reschedule, please notify your instructor at least 24 hours in advance. You can request a reschedule within your student account. Reschedule requests are subject to studio and instructor availability and policies

What kind of tools and resources are available for me as a student?

As a TutorsWhiz student, you'll have access to your online student account, where you can easily track your schedule, manage your bills, make payments, communicate with your tutor and more.